What does a User eXperience designer do from 9 to 5?
Often, I act as a webmaster because I have the full range of skills to run online projects, but my passion is to look at current & future user experiences to figure out how we can improve it.
I’m also a passionate WordPress Advocate
User Experience Design
U = User
X = eXperience
UX = User eXperience
No matter what we design & tools we use; facts are:
UX – U = X
Never take users out of the equation:
X = No Users
Stop barriers preventing clients from accessing essential services
Breaks down complex WCAG 2 A, AA, AAA standards into prioritized issues and manageable tasks based on difficulty, conformance level, and severity, so you can quickly assess your progress towards your compliance goals and fix issues.
WordPress Applications Development
WordPress websites offer much more than the few five or ten benefits you usually hear about. A blogging software-based website was termed as the new evolution of how websites are constructed. Now, WordPress is the content management system all websites and blogs are compared to.
Thousands of pre-written programs called plugins can increase the functionality of your out-of-the-box blog software. Traditional websites require everything to be programmed.
Even if you find an available PHP or ASP script to work with a traditional website, there is usually significant integration work and customizing required, whereas WordPress plugins are usually a 3-click install process. I tend to promote pro third party plugin vendors purchases as they maintain it for you with some code customizations for perfect integration.

Gravity Forms | Advanced Features | API
Gravity Flow | Inbox | Status | Audits | API
Gravity View | Front-end Databases
Gravity Scheduling
Peepso Private Social Community
The Event Calendar
User Activity Log Pro
LifterLMS Learning Management System
LifterLMS Advanced Quizzes
LifterLMS Gravity Forms Connector
Avada Theme Framework
Twilio Studio API Architecture Design
Twilio SMS Notification
Twilio SMS Reminders
Twilio Chat Bot
Twilio Programmable Voice
Twilio Programmable SMS Text
Twilio Video Meeting
Zoom Webinar System
AVChat Video Meeting
Screen Flow 7 & Vimeo
SmashBalloon Social Media
Campaign Monitor Email Marketing | API
VPS | Web Hosting Canada | DNS
WP Offload S3 | API
Mergebot | Version Control | API
Migrate DB Pro | API
Postman REST API
WordPress Multisites Network
Mac WP DesktopServer
RED5 Media Server
Real Time Boards Collaboration Design
InVision Prototyping Design
Adobe XD Prototyping Design
WP Rocket
UpDraft Premium Remote Backup
UpDraft Central